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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - still adj.


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Still adj.

still adj.
1) quiet, serene, placid, calm, tranquil, motionless, unmoving, peaceful, pacific, at rest, quiescent, even, flat, smooth, inert, stationary, undisturbed, unruffled: In the moonlight, the lake lay still and dark. 2) silent, quiet, noiseless, soundless; hushed, restful, Literary stilly: Be still or they'll hear you! In the still night I heard the distant sound of an owl. --n. 3) stillness, hush, quiet, silence, tranquillity, noiselessness, peacefulness, calm: In the still of the evening came the call of the nightingale. --adv. 4) even now, to or till or until this or that time, (up) till or until now, yet: Henry came for dinner five years ago, and he's here still. Do you still smoke? 5 even, in addition: Hugh weighed twenty stone when you last saw him, but he's heavier still today. 6) notwithstanding, yet, even then: Are you still going to Sue's party, despite what she said?. 7) motionless(ly) , quiet(ly) , silent(ly) , stock-still: Lie still while I put on this bandage. --conj. 8) however, but, notwithstanding, nevertheless, even so, in any event, in any case: She said she'd be here; still, you never know, she may come later. --v. 9) calm, allay, assuage, alleviate, relieve, silence, lull, quiet(en) , pacify, soothe, mollify, appease, subdue, suppress: A few kind words and she had stilled my fears.
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